Maximize your portfolio growth with margin trading, a powerful tool for experienced short-term scalpers and day traders. However, be mindful of the daily interest rate and potential liquidation caused by market volatility before holding margin positions long-term. Emotions can run high with margin trading, so keep a level head and always use a stop loss to protect yourself.

“Unlock portfolio growth potential with margin trading – a powerful tool for short-term scalpers and day traders. Daily interest rate and the possibility of volatility-induced liquidation make it unsuitable for long-term positions. Master your emotions and always use a stop loss when margin trading. It can be highly profitable when used correctly, but it’s essential to have a solid understanding of the fundamentals and risk management before diving in.

In this post, we’ll delve into the details of margin trading, explore the proper use of leverage, and show you how to integrate it into your overall trading strategy.

Spot trading vs. margin trading

Experience the power of crypto trading with Robotalife’s two forms: spot trading and margin trading. Take control of your assets with spot trading and buy or sell self-owned assets. For example, if you want to buy QASH for BTC, you must have BTC in your exchange wallet. Similarly, if you want to sell QASH for BTC, you must have QASH.

Unlock more significant trading potential with margin trading, eliminating the need to own the assets you wish to trade. Deposit funds to your margin wallet as collateral and borrow assets from lenders to trade with. For instance, by depositing USD500 to your margin account, you can open a USD500 BTC/JPY position without owning any JPY or BTC.

Pros of margin trading

Maximize your gains with margin trading by leveraging your buying power, trading assets you don’t own, and shorting assets. Shorting allows you to profit from a price drop.

Trading on a spot exchange only allows you to buy and sell assets you already own. But margin trading allows you to “long” or “short” an asset. Traders aiming to open a long position borrow an asset with the expectation of selling it at a higher price.

On the other hand, traders looking to short an asset borrow at a higher price with the expectation of buying back at a lower price and keeping the difference. Let’s see how it works in action.

Cons of margin trading

Cons of margin trading

Maximize your gains and minimize your losses with Liquid’s margin trading protocols. Leverage trading has inherent risks, but our platform protects lenders through margin coverage and margin call and order liquidation mechanisms.

Our margin coverage is expressed as a percentage, calculated by dividing equity by the required margin. Keep an eye on your coverage; as it drops below 120%, a margin call alert will be sent to you via email. To avoid liquidation, increase your equity by depositing more funds, reduce your position, or hope for market movements in your favor. If the margin coverage falls below 100%, a liquidation order will be automatically executed, resulting in significant losses.

Take control of your trades like David, who closed his order with a 7.3% gain and a profit of around USD365 after deducting trading fees and interest on the loan just a few hours after the price of ETH dropped to USD212.

Managing risk when margin trading is essential to ensure you don’t lose more than you can afford. Here are a few ways to manage risk when margin trading:

How to manage risk when margin trading?

Set a stop-loss order

This order automatically closes your position when the market reaches a certain point. By setting a stop-loss order, you can limit losses if the market moves against you.

Use proper leverage

Leverage can amplify your gains, but it can also amplify your losses. Be mindful of the amount of leverage you are using, and only use what you feel comfortable with.

Diversify your portfolio

Diversifying your portfolio by investing in different assets can help to reduce your overall risk. This way, if one asset performs poorly, the others may offset the loss.

Use risk management tools.

Many margin trading platforms offer risk management tools such as margin call and liquidation mechanisms. These tools can help you to stay on top of your margin level and take action if necessary.

Monitor your margin coverage

Keep an eye on your margin coverage and take action if it drops below a certain level.

Have a trading plan

Before you start margin trading, have a plan in place and stick to it. Identify your entry and exit points, and set profit and loss targets.

Keep emotions in check.

Trading on emotions can lead to impulsive decisions and bad trades. Remember to remain calm and stick to your plan even in a volatile market.

How to Build a margin trading strategy?

Building a margin trading strategy can help you to make informed decisions and increase your chances of success. Here are a few steps to help you build a margin trading strategy:

Understand the market

Before you start margin trading, it’s essential to have a good understanding of the market you’re trading in. This includes understanding the assets you’re trading, their historical performance, and any news or events that may affect their price.

Set your goals

Clearly define your goals for margin trading. Are you looking to make a quick profit or are you in it for the long haul? Knowing your goals will help you to make better decisions.

Set risk management levels

Decide on the level of risk you’re willing to take and set appropriate stop-loss and take-profit levels.

Use technical analysis

Use technical analysis tools such as chart patterns, indicators, and moving averages to help you identify trends and make trading decisions.

Use fundamental analysis

Use fundamental analysis to evaluate the underlying value of your trading assets. This includes looking at the company’s financial health, industry trends, and macroeconomic factors.


Diversify your portfolio by investing in different assets and markets. This will help to mitigate the risk of losses.

Have a plan

Have a plan in place for when you enter and exit trades. Identify your entry and exit points, and set profit and loss targets.

Stay flexible

Be prepared to change your strategy as market conditions change. Staying flexible and adapting to new information is key to success in margin trading.


  • Maximize portfolio growth potential with margin trading, a powerful tool for short-term scalpers and day traders
  • Be aware of the daily interest rate and potential liquidation caused by market volatility before holding margin positions long-term.
  • Master emotions and always use a stop loss to protect yourself
  • Understand the fundamentals and risk management before diving into margin trading
  • Compare spot trading and margin trading and choose the one that suits your needs
  • Leverage buying power, trade assets you don’t own, and short assets with margin trading
  • Use Liquid’s margin trading protocols to protect lenders through margin coverage and margin call and order liquidation mechanisms
  • Manage risk by setting stop-loss orders, using proper leverage, and diversifying your portfolio.